
发布时间 : 2019/10/22点击量:


时 间:2019年10月28日(周一)10:00

地 点:金沙8888js官方二楼报告厅

主讲人:种康 中国科学院院士

题 目:植物细胞如何感知低温信号


  种康,中国科学院院士,中国科学院植物研究所研究员,中国科学院大学教授,博士生导师。1984年,兰州大学获学士学位;1988年,兰州大学获硕士学位;1993年,兰州大学获博士学位。1993–1997年,兰州大学、中科院植物研究所和日本东北大学做博士后。曾在兰州大学任助教、讲师;曾与香港科技大学生物系、美国普渡大学和Dow Agrosciences LLC作合作研究。1997到植物所工作。2006年获得国家杰出青年基金资助,2007年入选国家新世纪百千万人才计划。

  种康院士现任中科院植物研究所党委书记、副所长,中国植物学会理事长、中国植物生理学会理事。担任《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》共同主编,同时担任《Journal of Biological Chemistry》、《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》编委。

  种康院士的主要研究方向是植物感知低温信号机制、小麦春化作用机制以及器官发生的激素互作网络。在Cell、Nature Communications、EMBO Journal、PNAS、PLoS Genetics、Genome Biology 和The Plant Cell等学术期刊发表研究论文70余篇。

Brief Introduction of Professor Chong Kang

Chong Kang, CAS Members, is a professor on plant molecular physiology, the Vice Director of Institute of Botany (IOB), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), as well as a professor in University of CAS. He received his Ph.D. in plant development biology in 1993 at Lanzhou University, China. He pursued postdoctoral training in the IOB, CAS and Tohoku University, Japan. He has collaborated with Dow Agrosciences LLC, Purdue University and Hong Kong University of Science & Technology in crop molecular biology.

Prof. Chong obtained NSFC funding as a distinguished young scholar, a chief scientist of the national outstanding innovation group – plant organogenesis and cell differentiation, and was enrolled as a national member of "New Century Hundreds and Thousands of Talents Project". Prof. Chong is an editor in the journal boards, such as, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Plant Cell Reports, MGG etc.

Prof. Chong’s current research activities are in three main areas: Sensing chilling signal in rice, Development response to vernalization signal in wheat, and hormones (BR and GA) network in organogenesis. His lab has more than 60 papers published on peer-reviewed journals, such as Cell, Nature Communications, PNAS, EMBO Journal, Plant Cell, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, etc.


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